The Junior Enterprise ENISo (JEENISo) announced in a statement the holding of the 6th edition of its “Entrepreneur’s Day” that will take place in the National Engineering School of Sousse (ENISo) on Wednesday, November 13, 2019. The theme of the “Entrepreneur’s Day” will focus...
La Junior Entreprise Eniso (JEENISo) organisera le <<GPJr Tunisia>> en sa 4 ème édition le 4 Avril 2021, en collaboration avec le <<GPJr Brésil>> et le PMI Tunisia Chapter. Un événement qui vise à partager les meilleurs pratiques en matière de gestion de projet...
The junior Enterprise ENISo-JEENISo, in collaboration with GPjr Brazil, PMI Tunisia Chapter, Junior Entreprises of Tunisia (JET), has the immense honor to announce the 3rd Edition of the GPjr Tunisia that will be held on the 23th of February 2020 at UTICA Sousse. This...